
Blue Spruce Seeds 0.1 grams Garden

$ 2

Availability: 20 in stock


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Blue Spruce Seeds 0.1 grams
Blue spruce is a valuable evergreen tree up to 25 m, and in nature up to 40 m high. The crown is pyramidal. The needles are prickly, its color varies from green to light blue, silver. Frosty and windproof. It tolerates better than others dry air, dust and smoke. Very often used in landscaping. It tolerates pruning. Sowing seeds is carried out only in spring so that seedlings appear after the end of frost.
Please notice that:
It can be in the different packs - the seeds inside are the same.
It's 100 % original and it has been keeping in an appropriate storage condition.
Payment PayPal
Delivery: Ukraine Air Mail 10-17 working days.
Shipping the day after payment.
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